
社会学理论前沿选题指南(二): AJS/BJS英文期刊18年筛选12个

高行云 Sociological理论大缸 2019-09-02



英文刊物的摘要很模板化,经常会有一些fill the gap, underdeveloped, contrary to XX之类的语辞。

现假定: 英文社会学刊的最新/不错的刊物上发表的理论议题,在中文语境下也有类似的发展潜力。



1.Roscigno, Vincent J., Carsten Sauer, and Peter Valet. 2018. ‘Rules, Relations, and Work’. American Journal of Sociology 123 (6): 1784–1825.


Classic theory is ambiguous regarding what is most meaningful for workers and workplaces. Are bureaucratic rules most consequential by providing predictability, as suggested by Weber, or problematic, owing to assaults on autonomy? And what of proximate social relations, seen as fundamental in ethnographic, resistance, and justice accounts? This article’s analyses, which draw on a unique sample of approximately 2,500 German workers across heterogeneous contexts, reveal pronounced effects of horizontal and vertical social relations on worker (i.e., satisfaction and fairness) and workplace (i.e., commitment and effort) outcomes. 



2.Lewis, Kevin, and Jason Kaufman. 2018. ‘The Conversion of Cultural Tastes into Social Network Ties’. American Journal of Sociology 123 (6): 1684–1742.


In recent years, sociologists have focused less on cultural tastes as “effects” of social structure and more on their causal efficacy in the creation and maintenance of social ties. Progress on this agenda has been hindered, however, by limitations in theory, methods, and available data



3.Craciun, Mariana. 2017. ‘Emotions and Knowledge in Expert Work: A Comparison of Two Psychotherapies’. American Journal of Sociology 123 (4): 959–1003.


Knowledge practices, expert and nonexpert alike, have received increased scholarly attention, but their affective underpinnings remain little understood. This article builds on the extant literature and on original ethnographic and interview data to elaborate a model of affective-relational knowledge that distinguishes between emotions’ supportive, didactic, and inductive roles in expert work.



4.European Journal of Social Theory - Special Issue on Moral economies of the digital


5.Lizardo, Omar, and Dustin S Stoltz. 2018. ‘Max Weber’s Ideal versus Material Interest Distinction Revisited’. European Journal of Social Theory 21 (1): 3–21.


While Weber’s distinction between ‘ideal’ and ‘material’ interests is one of the most enduring aspects of his theoretical legacy, it has been subjected to little critical commentary.


6.Menge, Torsten. 2018. ‘The Role of Power in Social Explanation’. European Journal of Social Theory 21 (1): 22–38.


 (1) the ability to use force, (2) access to resources, or (3) collective acceptance. It shows that these strategies fail to identify a stable causal capacity. The lack of an adequate general theory of power suggests that the concept lacks the necessary unity to play the broad explanatory role it is often accorded.



7.Fordahl, Clayton. 2018. ‘Authenticity: The Sociological Dimensions of a Politically Consequential Concept’. The American Sociologist 49 (2): 299–311.


 I reflect on the concept of authenticity and its potential convergence with topics of sociological concern. I argue that sociologists should consider the topic of authenticity for two reasons: its problematic role in modern social life and its prominence in contemporary electoral politics. 


8.Zafirovski, Milan. 2018. ‘Economics as a Multi-Paradigmatic Science: The “Best Kept Secret” of Irrational Choice’. The American Sociologist 49 (1): 37–63.


The article supports many economic sociologists’ view or intuition of conventional economics as complex rational-irrational choice theory and multi-paradigm science, and disconfirms rational choice theorists’ interpretation and generalization of it as “rational choice theory” only and single-paradigm unified science.



9.Stoltz, Dustin S. 2018. ‘Relations and Relationships: Clarifying the Terms of the “New” Relational Economic Sociology’. The American Sociologist 49 (1): 64–79.


In economic sociology, relations and relationships have emerged as central yet poorly specified concepts. In this paper, I clarify these terms in a positive critique of the current state of the field. I then consider the ways in which the proposed framework can help analysts to bridge the divide between economics and sociology. 



10.Abend, Gabriel. 2018. ‘Outline of a Sociology of Decisionism’. The British Journal of Sociology 69 (2): 237–64.


Decision/choice concepts’ apparent ubiquity in contemporary societies calls for a well‐thought‐out research program on their social life and uses.



11.Flemmen, Magne, Vegard Jarness, and Lennart Rosenlund. 2018. ‘Social Space and Cultural Class Divisions: The Forms of Capital and Contemporary Lifestyle Differentiation’. The British Journal of Sociology 69 (1): 124–53.


In this article, we address whether and how contemporary social classes are marked by distinct lifestyles. We assess the model of the social space, a novel approach to class analysis pioneered by Bourdieu's Distinction. Although pivotal in Bourdieu's work, this model is too often overlooked in later research, making its contemporary relevance difficult to assess. We redress this by using the social space as a framework through which to study the cultural manifestation of class divisions in lifestyle differences in contemporary Norwegian society. 


12.King, Anthony, and Daniel Smith. 2018. ‘The Jack Wills Crowd: Towards a Sociology of an Elite Subculture’. The British Journal of Sociology 69 (1): 44–66.


British sociologists have long been interested in youth sub‐cultures. However British sociologists have tended to focus on working class subcultures and avoided engagement with exclusive sub‐cultures of elite social groups. This article seeks to attend to this gap by examining the subculture of a British elite: ex‐public school students at select universities in the UK in the twenty‐first century. 









AJS新文:中国农村的社会组织与集体行动(陶然合著。Ang Yu导读)

